The Range will be closed on Wednesday May 24, 2023 from 0500-0930. A Club Volunteer will be mowing the range, parking area and along the 200 yard road.
Range Closure
The range will be closed on Wednesday May 10,2023 from 0930 to 1200. Pasco Police will be conducting firearms training.
Range Mapping
A member who is a licensed Surveyor will be on the range Wednesday March 29, 2023 and Thursday
March 30, 2023 mapping the TCMSA range. The activity will not effect the operation of the range, the
range will be open.
Have You Renewed?
The conclusion of the renewal period is fast approaching. The gate code changes on April 1st, 2023 and your renewal must be received and processed in order to receive new gate code stickers for your badge. The deadline is March 31, 2023 but TCMSA extends the final deadline to April 30, 2023. If renewal dues and required documentation are NOT received/postmarked by April 30, 2023 you will need to re-join as a new member.
The Board of Directors requires that all members be current NRA members and the inclusion of the Renewal Form with the submission of your renewal dues. Additionally, you MUST include your NRA membership number and membership expiration date (month/date/year). If any documentation is missing you will be advised and your renewal will NOT be processed until the requested documentation is received.
Free Firearm Safety Class
Practical Edge is hosting a free two hour firearm safety class at 5:30 on Monday March 20 at the Kennewick Ranch & Home.
Registration is required; Register
Range Closure
The range will be closed from 0600 to 1700 on Wednesday March 8, 2023 for weed control.
Evergreen Lawn and Tree Service will be spraying all areas to include parking lots, all ranges, berms and the fire break.
TCMSA calendar vs. mobile devices
You need to scroll down to see the club calendar, the mobile theme utilized by the CMS is putting the menu full width followed by the newsletter signup and then your page content. But that is how every page is being presented. You can also just rotate your device to landscape and you can see the calendar without scrolling.
You can add the club events calendar to your personal calendar. If you need assistance contact your service provider.
Free Firearm Safety Training
Tuesday January 24th (5:30-7:30p)
Must register to attend due to limited seating. Training is intended for adult students age 18 and over. This training is provided in partnership with Kennewick Ranch & Home, and done as a service to our community.
Dues Structure Change
TCMSA has tendered a request for 120 acres of surplus land from the BLM. This property is about 4 miles north of our current location. If the request is approved, we will need the funds immediately. The BLM will not do a real estate contract and you can not get a bank loan on bare land. The monies will be needed for the land, all closing costs and legal fees for the Club to become the legal owner. This will insure we have operating funds for development and normal operations. This will increase our funds by about $65,000 in fours years.
At the annual meeting on January 5th the body voted with over a 2/3 majority vote to adopt the following dues structure:
2023 Dues $70 Work Party credit $25 New member dues $90
2024 Dues $80 Work Party credit $30 New member dues $100
2025 Dues $90 Work Party credit $35 New member dues $110
2026 Dues $100 Work Party credit $40 New member dues $120
The new dues for 2023 will apply to dues paid at meetings or by mail postmarked after January 5. If you attended a work party in 2022 your 2023 dues are reduced by $20.
The work party credit stated for each year applies to the following year’s dues. Example: if you attend a work party in 2023 the $25 reduction applies to your 2024 dues.
Range Closure
The range will be closed from 0930 to 1100 on Wednesday January 4,2023. A member will be rebuilding
the 50 yard berm.