Early in 2023, a group of volunteers started gathering every 2 weeks to do some “housekeeping” on our Bylaws with the goals of cleaning them up, updating them, and producing a document which would be both current and presentable to the Fed if/when we get to seriously discuss land leases/purchases. (Meetings were open to all members.)
The task rapidly revealed this was not going to a small effort in which redline/strikeout could be used to track a small number of changes proposed due to not only content changes but significant formatting changes. There was a conscious effort to NOT make significant content changes but to present existing content in a more professional manner. Its now up to the membership to decide if the modernization effort was successful.
The Proposed Bylaw revision has been reviewed by the Board twice, the general membership was presented an opportunity to review the results in early November, and is ready for an acceptance vote by the members at the January Annual Meeting. The version presented has been reviewed by the Board in mid-November following the member review session in early November. If approved, the document will be configuration controlled and a signed “pdf copy” will be posted in Association documents.
Link-> ByLaw final proposal
Bob Birney