The Richland Rod and Gun Club is having a hunters education class April 1-6 at Griggs Department Store in Pasco. Register on the WDFW website. Any questions contact Ron Ruth at 509-737-7350.
Weds. Range Closure
The range will be closed all day on Wednesday February 21, 2024 for construction of the partition wall at the 50 yard range. This is the first day of construction, watch the calendar/email/webpage for additional closures between now and the end of March.
Gaylord Baker
Work Party
There is a work party scheduled from 0800-1000 on Sunday February 18, 2024. The goal is tumbleweed removal and general range maintenance. Bring rakes, shovels and gloves. This will be the last opportunity for 2024 dues credit.
Gaylord Baker
Range Construction
The member approved construction of the barrier to separate the 50 yard rimfire range from the rest of the range is going to be built by the end of March 2024. This will allow the rimfire range to be used when the rest of the range is closed for Bench Rest and 3 Gun Matches.
Gaylord Baker
Benchrest Match Cancelled
The centerfire benchrest match this coming Saturday is cancelled due to inclement weather.
Loren Mack
Rimfire Sporter Match Cancelled
With the forecast for snow, followed by up to .5” of freezing rain, the CMP Rimfire Sporting Games for Saturday, January 20, 2024 is cancelled. Safety of members is of prime concern, stay off the roads and keep warm.
Gaylor Baker
WA Self Defense Law Seminar
Firearm owners should undergo training in both firearm safety and the lawful use of firearms in self-defense situations. Knowledge in both areas will help ensure responsible gun ownership and minimize the risks associated with firearms.
Washington Gun Law is presenting a two-hour seminar on this subject March 2nd from 3pm to 5pm in Richland. See the attached link for information.
100 yd. Rimfire Match Cancelled
Due to the wind, snow and single digit weather, the January 13,2024 100 yard rimfire match is cancelled. No point attempting driving in the hazardous road conditions.
Gaylord Baker
3 Gun Match Canceled
The 3 gun match on January 14th is canceled.
Bart Andrist
3 Gun Match
There is a 3 Gun match scheduled for Sunday, January 14,2024. The match will be run by Bart Andrist and Pat Everham, taking over from Bob Byers. Setup at 8am shooting starts at 8:30.
This shoot requires shooting hand gun, shotgun and rifle at various steel targets.
If you are interested but don’t have the all the necessary firearms, there will be a loner handgun, shotgun and rifle, you will need to provide the ammunition.
Hand gun is 9mm, no steel cased ammo
Shotgun is 12 guage
Rifle is .223, no steel cased ammo.