Catch up with the November newsletter
October Newsletter
The range will be closed from 0700 to 1200 on Wednesday October 6,2021 for weed control.
September Newsletter
September Newsletter -> Newsletter
Range work & range closure
Range work –
TCMSA is having 60,000 pounds of crushed concrete delivered on Monday September 20th at about 0800. This is for the new 50 yard rimfire range firing line. We hope to have one or two members with small tractors, and can use members with rakes to spread/even it out. This will qualify for work party credit.
Range closure –
The range will be closed on Wednesday September 22,2021 from 0600 to 1200. Crews are going to mow the fire break and Desert Green will be spraying for weed control.
Gaylord Baker – President
August Newsletter
Click the link for the newsletter -> August Newsletter
Range Closure on 18 AUG
The range will be closed from 0700 to 1700 hrs on Wednesday, August 18,2021. The Pasco Police Department will be conducting training at their range and TCMSA. You may observe, but taking photos or videos is not allowed.
July Newsletter
Click the link for the newsletter -> July Newsletter
June Newsletter
Click the link for newsletter → June Newsletter
Historical Rifle Match
The monthly CMP match is scheduled for Saturday July 3,2021. Since this is the 4th of July weekend, we are inviting any and all to bring your M-1 Garand and join us. The course of fire is 50 rounds plus sighters. The cost is $5 to cover the cost of targets and score sheets.
We are a CMP affiliated club, and if you participate in one of these matches, you will be eligible to purchase a M-1 Garand from CMP. If you want to come on out, you can use any military rifle, Springfields, Krags, Mausers, Enfields or an AR. If it is a military rifle and you have ammo, you are good to go.
The ‘regulars’ can help you get situated and explain the whole course of fire as well as the positions. There will also be extra spotting scopes and other equipment to assist you.
Gaylord Baker