A Board Member has resigned, leaving 8 months left in the term. If you are interested in running for the position or nominating another member, please send a message to the Club using the “Contact Us” link on the TCMSA.ORG web page. The elections will be held during the May 5,2022 membership meeting.
50 yd rimfire
On Saturday, April 9, 2022 we will have a meeting to discuss plans and try out the new 50 yard rimfire range. Training materials, courses of fire and targets will be gone over. The goal is to get these programs running and determine the parameters of the programs. We will do this right after the 100 yard rimfire match, which is about 0930. Bring your rifles if you want to try it out while we are there.
Range Closure Date Changed
The range will be closed Tuesday March 29th from 0700 – 1600 for construction of handicap parking/shooting pad at benches 11 & 12.
Motion to change policy book
At the meeting on March 3 two motions were made concerning policy book changes. The intent of the motions is to give more members an opportunity to vote on important issues. The motions are co-authored by John Drewrey & Mark Johnson
Chapter 1, #1 and Chapter III, #16 will read as follows if the motion passes at the April 7th meeting.
Chapter 1, #1: Motions for changes and new additions to the to the club policy book may be made at any meeting and if seconded, the vote will be held at the next regular meeting. Passage requires a 2/3 majority of the members voting. Announcements of upcoming votes and the text of motions will be posted on the club’s webpage and in the monthly newsletter. Any changes resulting from the vote will be announced on the club’s webpage and in the monthly newsletter.
Chapter III, #16: Motions to change the range safety rules and operational procedures may be made at any meeting and if seconded, the vote will be held at the next regular meeting. Passage requires a 2/3 majority of the members voting. Announcements of the upcoming votes and the text of the motions will be posted on the club’s webpage and in the monthly newsletter. Any changes resulting from the vote will be announced on the club’s webpage and in the monthly newsletter.
Work Party
There will be a work party on Wednesday March 2,2022 at 8:00 to install strobe and PA system from the CMP line to the new 50 yard rimfire range. We will be using a trencher for conduit, if you have a trenching shovel, bring it. We have rakes and shovels to fill it back in.
2022 WA State Sporting Rifle Championship
TCMSA will host the 2022 Washington State Sporting Rifle Championship on April 30th & May 1st
For details about the match go here: Information Sheet
How to renew your membership
The 2022 membership year starts April 1, with the changing of the gate combination. Please follow these steps to renew your membership and ensure that you get the 2022 gate combo.
- Take the Safety Refresher Course, it is a requirement to have taken this course to renew for 2022. You have had 14 months to do it, so if you haven’t taken it in 2021, then now is the time.
- Fill out the Member Renewal Form and print it out
- Get payment ready, we take cash, check, or money orders.
- Either Mail it to TCMSA PO Box 4587, Pasco WA 99302-4587
or bring your renewal to one of the following member meetings located at the Pasco Moose Lodge 2617 W. Sylvester St, Pasco
Feb 3rd, 2022 7:00 pm, come early to renew
March 3rd, 2022 7:00pm, come early to renew
April 7th, 2022 7:00pm, come early to renew - Wait patiently for the combo info to be mailed to you, remember our membership committee is all volunteer, and the mail is routed to Spokane so it will take time for you to receive it.
What if I’m late?
If you don’t renew by April 30th, your membership will expire and you will have to rejoin the club as a new member, pay the new member price, and attend new member orientation to receive the new gate combination.
New Meeting Location
We have scheduling conflicts with our current location at The Eagles. The meetings have been moved to the Moose Lodge, 2617 W. Sylvester, Pasco, WA. This location is one block east of the Eagles. The next meeting will be Thursday, February 3,2022, 7:00 PM at the Moose Lodge.
Election Results
These are your Club’s elected Officers and Board members
Gaylord Baker – President
Brett Menaker – Vice President
Secretary- Cosette Baker
Treasurer – Rick Kilgore
Membership Coordinator- Kathye Kilgore
Board Positions- Rich Gilbert & Gary Stratton
The Club wishes to thank former Board Member Steven Schlegel and Membership Coordinator Dwayne Locker for your support of our Club.
29 members voted online, 14 members voted in person at the January 6,2022 meeting. We currently have 718 members.