Two canopies were added on the pistol line today. It was a long day for the crew starting at 8 and ending at 3. One is at the gongs and the other split between the 7d and 15 yd line. Shoot only the target arrays directly in front of the canopies.
Canopy Work Party
A work party is scheduled for Wednesday June 15, 2022 to install the two additional car ports on the handgun range that the membership voted for at the June 2, 2022 general membership meeting. All tools and equipment will be provided, labor is what is needed for setting pier blocks and erection of covers. This will count for work party credit for 2023.
The time scheduled is 0800-1600 or when completed.
There will be times that the range will be closed for work forward of the firing line
CMP Rimfire Sporter Competition
This program was developed by the Civilian Marksmanship Program for a simple course of fire friendly for both adults and junior shooters. That means when you come out, bring the spouse and the kids!
The first CMP Rimfire Sporter Competition was scheduled for May 14,2022, but Mother Nature decided it was going to rain from about 0800 to 1900 that day. One member showed up with his son and daughter and all decided to stand under the shed rather than stand in the rain watching the targets dissolve.
On Saturday, June 11,2022, from 1000 to 1300 hrs, we will have a 50 yard CMP Rimfire Sporter competition which uses regular .22 plinkers, sporting, hunting type rifles like Ruger 10-22, Browning/Marlin/Henry lever guns, Marlin/Mossberg bolt guns or anything else that shoots rimfires and weighs less than 7.5 pounds. The course requires 60 rounds plus sighters and shooting will be done from prone, kneeling or sitting and offhand.
Specialized equipment is not allowed, no shooting coats or gloves. You can use “garden gloves” or other types of non- padded gloves and slings. Shooters will be classed by the type of sights, barrel mounted irons, receiver sights and scopes. Spotting scopes are handy and if you don’t have a shooting mat, pieces of carpet are available in the sigh-in trailer. This is free, just bring your rifles and ammo.
Work Party 5/11
On Wednesday, May 11,2022, 10 members and 2 Boy Scouts did a work party at our Range. Tasks completed were:
The range was mowed, including the 50 yard rimfire range, the 100 yard CMP/SHP range, the shotgun range, the archery range and along the road coming into the range.
The 100 yard line had 2 4×4’s and 7 2×4’s replaced that have been damaged by rounds through them. Some of the damage was intentional ( shooting the screws holding the 2×4’s to the 4×4’s, which destroyed the 4×4’s) and errant rounds. The cost to repair this damage was $169.22 of Club funds.
The installation of a carport over one of the handgun benches for protection from the sun and weather elements. If the membership likes this shelter, more can be purchased and installed. The installation was done with the idea that they can easily be unbolted and moved If we find a new permanent home.
General trash pickup of targets and other debris out to the 100 yard line.
Repaired 10 target frames with new cardboard, saving the cost of the lumber to build the frames. This was possible by members properly placing targets to keep from damaging the frames.
A picnic table was moved to support the 50 yard rimfire range.
Butt cans were cleaned and the firing line was policed for steel cases.
Carport Cover at Pistol Range
During the August 5,2021 Club meeting, the membership voted to purchase a carport to install over one of the benches on the handgun line to provide shelter and relief from the sun or other weather conditions.
Boy Scout Mason Gilbert, son of Board member Richard Gilbert, requested the opportunity to plan, organize and construct the carport at our range as a service project working for his Eagle Scout Rank. On Wednesday, May 11,2021, 10 Club members reported for duty, with Mason directing the effort to complete the project. Work started at 0730 hrs, which entailed using surplus pier blocks at the range as buried anchors to attach the carport, and the construction of the structure. The job was completed at 1315 hrs, including the re-installation of the shooting bench. Mason is a member of Troop 169 in Kennewick.
The Club has benefited from this project and has supported Mason’s work toward his Eagle Badge. The Club owes a debt of gratitude for Mason’s planning and construction of the protective cover.
Contacting the club
Before you use the “contact us” link on our webpage, please use other available links first if they are appropriate for a faster response. A good examples is renewal issues. There is a link specifically for those type of questions and the form goes directly to the membership coordinator. We no longer have a webmaster so the “contact us” link may get a slow response. You should always include your email, phone and member number in any contact because the end recipient of your inquiry probably does not have the member database to respond.
CMP Small Arms Firing School
The Civilian Marksmanship Program will be conducting a Small Arms Firing School for both Rifle
and Pistol in Eagle Creek, Oregon May 14 th & 15 th , 2022. This is the same school that is taught
annually during the National Matches at Camp Perry, Ohio each summer. The United States
Army Marksmanship Unit (AMU) conducts the schools during the National Matches and will be
sending instructors to Eagle Creek for these schools.
For more information and to register – CMP Firing School
22 LR CMP Sporter Rifle Match
On Saturday May 14, 2022, the Club is going to hold the first CMP Sporting Rifle Match. Start time is 10 AM. This match uses basic rifles and equipment, gear toward youth as well as adults to have a fun shooting sport.
Rifles used in CMP Rimfire Sporter is any semi-auto, bolt action, pump action of lever action rifle weighing less than 7.5 pounds. There are separate classifications for open sight and scopes. No target rifles allowed. Basic equipment such as a sling and gloves are allowed. Shooting jackets, padded shooting gloves or other performance enhancing equipment is not allowed. Other useful equipment would be a spotting scope an shooting mat (or a piece of carpeting from the sign in trailer). Eye and ear protection is required.
The course of fire requires 60 rounds plus sighters. The course is as follows:
The following at 50 yards:
Unlimited sighters, 5 minutes; Slow fire prone- 10 rounds in 10 minutes, Rapid fire prone, 2 series of 5 rounds, semi auto 25 seconds, manual actions 30 seconds. Slow sitting or kneeling- 10 rounds in 10 minutes, Rapid sitting or kneeling, 2 series of 5 rounds, semi auto 25 seconds, manual actions 30 seconds.
The following at 25 yards:
Slow fire standing- 10 rounds in 10 minutes, Rapid fired standing, 2 series of 5 round, semi auto 25 seconds, manual actions 30 seconds
The Sporter Match is free, you provide the rifle and ammunition.
The intention is to have this as a regular scheduled event at our Range. For complete information on the program go to CMP Rimfire Sporter
Member Renewal
Your 2022 membership dues are required to be submitted or post marked no later than April 30,2022. You are also required to take the online Safety Refresher before your dues are accepted. You WILL NOT be able to submit dues at the May 5,2022. THE DEADLINE IS APRIL30,2022.
Upcoming Work Parties
Wednesday, May 4,2022, there will be a work party from 0800-1200 to install new and replace old target stands. Bring shovels, we have post hole digger and rakes at the Range. This will give you work party credit for 2023 membership year.
The range will be closed.
Wednesday, May 11,2022, there will be a group of Boy Scouts erecting a car port type cover over one of the handgun benches for sun and weather protection. Work will last from 0800-1400. Most work will be done behind the firing line, but there will be times the Range will be closed for extended times while attaching the roof.