Membership meeting and a prospective new member orientation on Saturday, November 7, 2020.
With the easing of restrictions for meetings in Franklin County, TCMSA is planning for an irregular membership meeting and a prospective new member orientation on Saturday, November 7, 2020. Information and requirements are:
The meeting will be at HAPO Center (formerly TRAC) on Saturday, November 7, 2020, at 0800 in the morning.
No one will be allowed to attend without a face mask.
Prospective new membership fees are $80 for the first year and a membership with the NRA. There will be NRA recruiters at the meeting to sign you up if not a current member. All payments are cash or check only, no credit or debit cards. All prospective new members need to notify TCMSA of their planned attendance with the CONTACT US tab on the web page TCMSA.ORG.
The new member orientation requires two hours of classroom training, self-provided travel to the range for an additional two hours of hands-on training. You need to be prepared with appropriate clothing for weather conditions, proper eye, and ear protection, and also have any food/fluid requirements taken care of. The range does not have drinking water or cover from the elements besides the covered benches.
There is not a general membership meeting at Griggs on November 7, 2020, due to the social distancing requirement.