The range is located North-East of Pasco Washington
It is accessed from Highway 12 to the Pasco-Kahlotus road.
Driving Directions:
Go east (towards Burbank) on Highway 12 from I-182/395 intersection in Pasco to the next overpass intersection, Highway 12 and the Pasco-Kahlotus Highway. Take the Kahlotus Highway east for 1.7 miles to a gravel road entrance to the right. It is marked by a large tree. Turn right through the gate with metallic silhouettes on the top (there will be signs at the gate for events open to the public) and travel 3/4 mile down the road to where the road ends in the range parking lot. DO NOT use the law enforcement range located about 500 yards past the entrance gate on the left. Go to the end of the gravel road.