Cancellation of Club Events
Dear TCMSA Member,
Due to the state’s current ban on public events & the federal recommendation of limiting groups of 10 or more people, the Sporting Rifle match scheduled for March 21 is cancelled. The Benchrest match scheduled for March 28 may be cancelled as well, and you should also expect that the April 2 general membership meeting will be cancelled. THIS MAY AFFECT YOUR ABILITY TO RENEW YOUR MEMBERSHIP!! We strongly suggest that you mail your renewal rather than plan on being able to renew at the April meeting.
PO Box 4587
Pasco, WA 99302
Since garbage collection and sanitation of the outhouses require the gates to be accessible using the existing gate combination, along with the scheduled combination change April 1, we won’t be deviating from the scheduled combination change. This includes not locking the gate to members at this time. That being said, we STRONGLY ADVISE everyone to use some common sense. If you decide to use the range, keep some distance from other shooters, bring your own pen for the sign in sheet, and maybe some hand wipes. Please realize that many of our members are in the highest risk category for COVID-19, so give everyone some space if you happen to be at the range the same time as someone else.
Please note these decisions have not been taken lightly, the officers & board have debated these decisions for several days, and have taken these actions to ensure that our members are safe, and so that we can continue to have a safe place to shoot.
Thank you for your understanding!
TCMSA Officers & Board of Directors