22 LR CMP Sporter Rifle Match
On Saturday May 14, 2022, the Club is going to hold the first CMP Sporting Rifle Match. Start time is 10 AM. This match uses basic rifles and equipment, gear toward youth as well as adults to have a fun shooting sport.
Rifles used in CMP Rimfire Sporter is any semi-auto, bolt action, pump action of lever action rifle weighing less than 7.5 pounds. There are separate classifications for open sight and scopes. No target rifles allowed. Basic equipment such as a sling and gloves are allowed. Shooting jackets, padded shooting gloves or other performance enhancing equipment is not allowed. Other useful equipment would be a spotting scope an shooting mat (or a piece of carpeting from the sign in trailer). Eye and ear protection is required.
The course of fire requires 60 rounds plus sighters. The course is as follows:
The following at 50 yards:
Unlimited sighters, 5 minutes; Slow fire prone- 10 rounds in 10 minutes, Rapid fire prone, 2 series of 5 rounds, semi auto 25 seconds, manual actions 30 seconds. Slow sitting or kneeling- 10 rounds in 10 minutes, Rapid sitting or kneeling, 2 series of 5 rounds, semi auto 25 seconds, manual actions 30 seconds.
The following at 25 yards:
Slow fire standing- 10 rounds in 10 minutes, Rapid fired standing, 2 series of 5 round, semi auto 25 seconds, manual actions 30 seconds
The Sporter Match is free, you provide the rifle and ammunition.
The intention is to have this as a regular scheduled event at our Range. For complete information on the program go to CMP Rimfire Sporter